Sunday, May 3, 2009

In My Mailbox and Birthday Gifts

So Yesterday was my 15th birthday.
And what a brilliant day it was.
I had tons of text message birthday wishes and a few phone calls,
A 2 lb. bag of twizzlers and 2 packages of shockers and a box of gushers (those are my favorite things in the world by the way).
I got money from my grandparents.
I found out school is canceled for all next week because of the swine flu

The best neighbors in the world are taking me on an all expense paid trip to Disney World with their family for 10 days. I totally cried when they suprised me with this. (I babysit for their young kids Joley (6), Jadyn (4), and Jaxon (2) so I'm also going to help out but still!!!)

For the trip my mom is taking me on a shopping spree to buy me all new clothes for the trip.
And finally the most thoughtful and tear worthy gift for reasons most probably won't get...
my sister gave me a (SUPER CUTE!!!) take on bag for my plane trip complete with the gushers and shockers from above, coloring pages, crayons, Sudoku (with little personal notes throughout that I'm not allowed to look at until the trip), a purple pencil, and 37 songs for my IPOD with a personl note about them (that I'm not allowed to read until the trip!!!)
This present also shocked me.
These presents just make me 100x more excited for June 15 (the day we leave)

Now for the books....
Last week I got:

This Week I got:

So that was my last 2 weeks
I'll add titles later but I'm about to go eat a one day late birthday lunch so I've got to go.
A review will be posted later this afternoon and I'll update you on awards and birthday month later to when I have more time.
Thanks for everything!


thebluerose said...

Happy Birthday!

I wish they would cancel school where I live...

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Happy Birthdayyy!!! I'm glad you had a good time. Yay for an awesome week of books.


pepsivanilla said...

Happy Birthday!

prophecygirl said...

I hope you like Gentlemen.. it's a very cool book!

Oh, and Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I hope that you have an awesome year! Happy reading!

Shalonda said...

Happy birthday!

Awesome books, and congrats on the Disney vacation!

Anna said...

I want to read Beautiful Creatures soooooooooooo bad. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! The Elizabeth Scott one looks really good.

Brooke Reviews said...

Awe I'm late! Happy Birthday :D Great books and presents too!

Fantastic Book Review said...

Happy Birthday! You have some great reads. Happy Reading!

Sadako said...

Happy Birthday. Yay for the candy and books!!!

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday and YAY to Disneyworld. I love, love, love it and can't wait to go back. Have a wonderful trip.

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday, man you got some really great books. Several of them seem really good. Enjoy.

Thao said...

I know I'm late but happy birthday ^^ happy reading too of course!

Carolina said...

I'm very jealous of the LB book! :P

Samira said...

Happy BIRTHDAY! Wishing you all the best this year. Keep up the awesome blogging! And congrats on the Disney Vacation. Can't wait to hear all about it. :)

Jenna said...

Happy Birthday! That's so cool about Disney Land, I still have never been.

Lori said...

Nice gifts you have received!! All those books are fantastic...