Micheal, Tommy, Mixer, and Bones aren't just from the wrong side of the tracks--they're from the wrong side of everything. Except for Mr. Haberman, their remedial English teacher, no one at their high school takes them seriously. Haberman calls them "gentlemen," but everyone else ignores them--or, in Bones's case, is dead afraid of them. When one of their close-knit group goes missing, the clues all seem to point in one direction: to Mr. Haberman. (From Amazon)
Character Development: 6/10
Originality: 10/10
Plot/Story Line: 6/10
Ending: 5/10
Voice: 7/10
Recommendation: 6/10
Total Score: 40
Grade: B
Cussing: 5/10
Drugs, Alcohol, Etc.: 5/10
Violence and such: 7/10
Sexual Content: 5/10
Aimed at: 15 and up
# of pages: 234pg.
Written in: first person narrative, teen guy
Released on: April 16, 2009
Tone: fast paced, rough, and suspenseful
Three friends suspect their English teacher has helped in the disappearance of their friend and decide to find the truth as they search for clues and test the strength of their friendship.
This novel is written with brutal honesty and an intense voice as it takes the reader on a journey of strength, suspicion, and guilt.
GENTLEMEN reminded me of THE OUTSIDERS with its gritty voice, rough neighborhood, and harsh situations. But outside the setting the similarities end. This novel moved really quickly. The plot never slowed down and kept you entertained until the end. Micheal narrates the story with an honest, tell it like it is voice. It bugged me at times that he was talking TO me rather than TELLING me a story. I don't know if that makes any sense but I think it's just my personal reading preference to have a story told to me rather than a one-sided conversation (almost). I liked how it compared the situation to their English class and its discussions; He mentioned the main character in our reading assignment felt guilt maybe that connects to Mr.Haberman and he feels guilty...hmmm. That's obviously just a bad paraphrase but throughout the whole novel Micheal sees everything as a clue to finding out where his friend is. His voice is so real that you become convinced that Mr.Haberman killed Tommy. The ending was OK. It did conclude the novel and there was a twist but I think it could have been concluded a little better. Overall this is a novel that searches for truth. Truth about real friendships, real relationships, and the real truth about what happened to Tommy. Michael Northrop has written an excellent novel that tests the boundaries that separate suspicion from action. I recommend it to anyone looking for a quick and daring read with good characters and an intriguing plot.
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