Monday, May 4, 2009

Birthday Month

OK I finally have time to update you on birthday month.
Actually I don't really have time so I'm gonna do this fast.
Tomorrow I'll do more..........hopefully.
Birthday Month has started
I have 4 authors + me who are going to share some birthday tales they have and why being born in May is super spectacular!!!
Below is the list of guests and their birthdays/dates of guest post
-Kathryn Williams (May 3)
-Jennifer Brown (May 11)
-Laura Wiess (May 16)
-Jackson Pearce (May 21)
-Me (but I'm not really a guest. I'll just be closing off birthday month.) (May 2)
So that's what birthday month is. All of these authors are fantastic and they each have a new release coming soon so look out for that and more birthday awesomeness starting with Kathryn William's post about her very own birthday month. I'll post that tomorrow. (Sorry Kathryn! I know we agreed on the 3rd but my schedule has been thrown off because...well there are a lot of reasons. I'll post it tomorrow)

So start getting excited
May is an amazing month!

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