Deception Blog Tour

About the Book:
When Emma Vaile’s parents disappear, her brother’s cute best friend, Bennett Stern, whisks her away to New England. There, Emma settles into his family’s museum-like mansion and enrolls in a posh prep school. But the eerie visions she’s been hiding from everyone get worse. Emma confides in Bennett and learns she is a ghostkeeper, a person who can communicate with ghosts. Bennett needs Emma’s help tracking an other-worldly murderer. Private by Katie Brian meets Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl in this tale of tradition, mystery, and forbidden romance. The shocking ending will leave readers desperate for book two.
And now an interview with Lee Nichols, author of Deception, hitting the shelves on June 8th (that’s tomorrow!)
5 things readers would be surprised to know about you
I cannot make it through the day without caffeine and sugar.
How much I love David Tennant as Dr. Who, and how worried I am I won't like the new guy.
I'm actually a very good classical singer, but couldn't sing a pop song to save my life.
Despite my sugar addiction, I don't like chocolate nearly as much as people think I do.
I'm highly competitive at board games.
4 things you wish you knew in high school
That high school really is the best time of popular people's lives. Then they have another 6o year to fill.
That Spanish comes in handy, and you should work harder at learning it.
That being an adult kinda sucks more than you think it will.
That your body will never look hotter and you should enjoy it more.
3 things you are embarrassed to own/love/have done
A pink cruiser bike with white Aloha flower decals. I just bought it.
I passed out one day in high school, in a room full of 60 people. That wasn't fun.
The kind of Parmesan cheese that comes in a can. I think it's all sodium, but taste delicious on tomato sauce.
2 careers you might have chosen if you weren't an author
Music teacher
1 thing you can't live without
My family.
5 words to describe your book
Fun, funny, romantic, scary, sad.
4 reasons you love writing YA
I love reading it.
Awesome camaraderie among YA authors.
Hope to inspire reluctant readers.
It's fun.
3 reasons everyone should read your book
Emma is a kick-butt, loyal, lovable character.
Ghosts are the new vampires.
It's good.
- 2 YA books you adore
Hunger Games, By Suzanne Collins
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, By E. Lockhart
1 tip for aspiring YA writers
Don't follow trends and write from your heart.
Enter below for a chance to win your own ARC of Deception. The contest ends June 15th so spread the word!
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