Sunday, November 29, 2009

Secret Project Revealed


I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was wonderful!

Now for those of you who don't already know this December I'll be hosting...
The 25 Guests of Christmas
Each day there will be one or more guests (either an author or blogger) who will be sharing some of their favorite things about the holidays. Some will even share their book or other goodies with you!
There will be more details later with all the little requirements for contests and such but for right now I just wanted to let y'all know what was going on and why I've been kind of MIA for a while as I organize all this and enjoy my own holiday traditions.
You should be seeing changes pop up here and there as we grow closer to December 1rst but they are all temporary. Everything should be back to normal on this blog after December but for now, enjoy the simple changes.
So be ready for lots of Christmas-y Fun starting December 1rst and ending the 25th.
Thanks so much and Happy Holidays!


Brianne said...

Wow. I'm sure that took a lot of planning. I'll be sure to come back and check things out. Great idea by the way. :)

Elise said...

Love the new layout! :) It's festively wonderful!