Dani was born with her heart on the wrong side of her body. In her fifteen years of life, she’s had more doctor’s appointments, X-rays, and tests, and eaten more green hospital Jell-O than she cares to think about. Fourteen-year-old Amanda is a competitive gymnast, her body a small package of sleek muscles, in perfect health. The two girls don’t know each other, don’t go to the same school, don’t have any friends in common. But their lives are about to collide. (From Amazon)
Character Development: 8/10
Originality: 9/10
Overall Enjoyment: 7/10
Ending: 8/10
Voice: 8/10
Recommendation: 9/10
Total Score: 49
Grade: A
Cussing: 3/10
Drugs, Alcohol, Etc.: 2/10
Sexual Content: 1/10
Aimed at: 13 and up
# of pages: 256pg.
Written in: first person narrative, teen girl
Released on: March 31, 2009
Tone: sad, hopeful, and educational
Written Review:
I really loved this book. I liked how throughout the entire book another part of the Organ Transplant process was revealed. We saw from the delivery man’s perspective, the nurse’s, the donor family’s, and of course, the patients. Each view let us see another aspect of the long process that comes with transplants. The characters were developed really well. Even Amanda had a distinct personality that was exposed through emails and assignments on her computer. Yes this novel was predictable but that can be easily looked past. This book was very original and informed me of a whole new life I wasn’t very aware of before. It was sad and discouraging at times to hear Dani’s thoughts of death and “What Ifs” but her thoughts really opened up questions that we can all relate to. The book had a great message and was very touching. It was written beautifully and with much planning. We got to learn about every person and prayer that were affected by this process. I finished this novel with a better understanding of the whole donor and transplant process and the most sincere and upmost respect for anyone involved in something like this. Overall this is a quick read on a heavy subject that everyone should check out.
Be sure to check out my contest to win a copy of Cold Hands, Warm Heart and a signed book plate
It closes on April 20th so if you want to enter, enter now!
Also check back on April 27th to read a guest blog by Jill Wolfson
1 comment:
I'm a big fan of Jill Wolfson, and I think I might become a big fan of you as well. Wasn't the chapter about the night nurse who watches over Amanda's body the best?
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